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             I believe that when Taylor said “fatalists” he meant that all things in life are predetermined. Taylor was a well-known professor and philosopher. He also enjoyed beekeeping which a rather weird hobby. He has written many papers and books on virtues, ethics and the meaning of life. He wrote a few books on beekeeping as well and has owed a few hundred hives. He is also known for the quote “All men are fatalists as they look back on things” which means that all men think things are inevitable or predetermined. This goes along with a lot of his philosophical views in his books and make sense for him to have created such a quote. I honestly believe the things are not inevitable and things are not predetermined but in some cases it seems like they are. The reason that I think that things are not inevitable is because I think that people have the ability to change their future. I also believe that some things are predetermined such as who you are going to be as a person. I also believe things are predetermined in the aspect of what happens in your life. Such as bad things happen to bad people, but this does not always happen.   

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