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           Prof. David Mirman's article containing the discussion of the Victim and Creator mindsets is used very little in today’s society. In this article he discusses a scenario describing two students that did not get their books for the class on time because the bookstore was out of it. The professor tells them to get it by the next class but only one of them gets the book by the class. The first student explains to the professor that the bookstore was still out of books but it was the bookstore’s fault. On the other hand the other student managed to get the book for class, after she went through a tough time obtaining the book. The professor asked the student how she acquired the book and she tells them that she went to many bookstores off campus and when that didn’t work she went online to get it. This student was the Creator in this scenario by doing anything to obtain her goal and stopping at nothing while, the other student, was a Victim in the fact that they blamed it on something that stopped them the first time, and didn’t try everything to reach their goal.

            I myself have been a Victim in a few situations such as not doing my homework for classes in school and not doing chores. There were situations in high schools where I did not complete my homework because I couldn’t find it on the webpages and I was just going to tell my teacher that I couldn’t find it and leave it at that. There were a few times I got away with it or if I got lucky some of the kids were having the same problem as me. The best example was trying to do some homework assignments in my 7th grade Spanish class. It was a fairly easy class but the online assignments were hard to find and complete, so I would just blow them off. It was a big mistake on my part which lead to me being a Victim for the first time because all I did was blame the teacher and the assignment for not getting done. I still got a B but my homework grades were poor.

            Creators in high school were rare but in high school one of my best friends was a Creator like I’ve never seen before. Her name was Autumn and she never had an excuse for any assignment ever, even when she was sick she turn in and did her work. She would stay up all night doing her assignments even though school was at 7:20 in the morning. Then about half way through the year she got mono and was really sick, but that didn’t stop her she did all her work without even blinking. She had mono for about two months and still completed more work than me. She currently goes to CNU and is double majoring and still stays up all night studying and doing her work. This girl is the definition of a Creator, and I have never seen her be a Victim.

            This is my first year and college and I am going to get the Creator mindset thing down early to be ready for the following years to come. I am going to go for all A’s and will only achieve this goal by doing all my work and working hard. Through my years of high school, I was always a Victim and it never brought me to my goals and now that I know that I was a Victim I can start fixing myself to become a Creator. I am going to need to map or plan out all my classes and focus on the ones that require the most amount of time and also use my time wisely. I know I am going to get all A’s this year because I switched my side to becoming a Creator and not a Victim.

                So far this year has been great, but I need to get back on course to achieve my goals. Also I need to get back on the track of being a Creator not a Victim. My goal of getting all A’s is getting further and further away but I still believe I can get back on track to obtain this goal. I promise myself I will not go back to the days when I was a Victim and so far that has worked out for me. I have learned that not being a Victim doesn’t make you a Creator, but instead you must be a Creator by just simply being a Creator. I still have a lot of work to do to achieve my goals for the semester and on adopting a Creator mindset.



"Do You Think like a Victim or a Creator?" You Are The Prime Mover. Web. 15 Sept. 2015.

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