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              William Penn was the founder of Pennsylvania and also the Quaker religion. His quote “Justice is the insurance which we have on our lives and property. Obedience is the premium which we pay for it” means that justice is the only thing that keeps us safe or feel safe and if we obey than that is the price we will pay. So if we do not obey then we will not have justice because we did not pay with our obedience. This is a good example of what happens in everyday life throughout history because of people that do not obey and the punishment for that is the system of justice cannot be carried out. There are many scenarios that come to mind when I heard of this quote such as in car crashes and also in robberies. The reason that these two ideas are such a good example for this quote is that if someone does not follow these rules not only they can get hurt but the people around them. Let’s take the first example in to account with the car crashes. Someone is doing something wrong such as speed or driving drunk and they are not obeying the law. Then someone else is driving and they are hit by this person and they are injured. If the person were to obey the law then justice would have been carried out by them paying with their obedience. The same thing goes for the person who robs the store, by them not obeying they ruin the chance for justice to be carried out. If this person was to follow the laws or obey them then the system of justice would be carried out and everyone would be safe.

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