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              I am currently going to college to hopefully become a mechanical engineer. I will need a bachelor’s degree and many skills to help me in the career field. These skills include being creative, listening, mechanical skills, math skills and also being able to solve problems that may occur. For this job I am going to need good grammar and need to communicate well. In this field math and science are the first thing to come to mind about the subjects that help someone to become an engineer but the most important is English by far. The reason that English is the most used is because everyone is going to need good grammar, good communication skills, and good reading skills. I believe good grammar is needed for every job but each job has a different use for it. The reason it is used in this job is because people will explain their ideas to people and if you ae bad grammar words or phrases will not be taken the same way as other words or phrases. Also you need communication skills because you are explaining everything about your idea like what is it useful for and how it works. Another useful item in English and the most important is reading. Everyone reads and reading is very important in today’s society and the reason for that is people need to understand things that they want to learn about. In my career field this will benefit me the most because I can read articles and journals from other people to know how something works or to find my own way of doing something. This career field is going to be a lot more reading than I hoped for.

               In my life I have never used grammar correctly and hated people telling me that I was wrong. This class and my future years in college will help me with my future and hopefully in my career field. Reading those two articles about grammar in the work place and how those people did not get fired got me thinking. If those people do not get a job with their grammar being poor then I may suffer the same fate as them. I really need to get help with my grammar so far in this English class we have gone over a few grammar lessons and already I understand where and when to use these tools. So I am hoping to become more proper with the use of my grammar to someday land me in a job within my field I want to be in and I hope that my college English class will help me with these flaws.




“Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.


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